Thursday, February 19, 2009


So this weekend was super. I put notes all over the house for Jesse to find, he thought that was really clever, and I made him coffee in the morning. Then Jesse and I had a nice morning in Lawrence....we treated ourselves to a little treat. Jesse got a Kenneth Cole watch, and I got a Nine West bag and a bracelet. :) Love them both. We ate lunch at 5 Guys, it was like the best burger place I have ever been to... yum!

Saturday night we had dinner with his parents, TACOS! And watched the movie "THE EXPRESS", good...very sad though.

Sunday was our "lazy day", I don't think I left the couch much. :) We watched lots of HGTV, and we rented "ROCKNROLLA" (bad), "NICK AND NORA'S INFINITE PLAYLIST" (cute), and "PINEAPPLE EXPRESS" (hilarious!). It was a fun relaxing day. I got a lot done on my blanket too....

I didn't work Monday (Thank you Mr. Presidents) I spent the day at home watching a "Real Housewives of Orange County" marathon. ;) I think I sqeezed some Full House in there too.

This short week has seemed SO LONG, I just want it to be OVER! My family is coming over on Saturday to celebrate me and Wyatt's birthday, so I am really anxious for that! My family doesn't get to come over too often. ;)

Oh, and Happy Birthday today WYATT! The big 1-9!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day to me!

My very sweet husband sent me flowers today!
He did very good! Lilies, and daisies!!! A man knows what his wife wants I guess!
Tomorrow we are spending a day in Lawrence. Lunch on Mass...then some window shopping! I miss Lawrence, so this should be fun!
Today is FRIDAY THE 13th! Eek, Colt is coming over tonight and cooking us a vegetarian delight. ;)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A bunch of nothing.

My plane ticket has been purchased!
September 5-13th I will be vacationing in New York.... I just can't wait!

So until then... I will be selling everything I own on Ebay to pay for the many broadway shows I plan to see, all the site seeing, and shopping I plan to do. Eek.....

I had lunch with Colt today...that was nice. :) It's always fun to get out of my office for a bit.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

YAHOO! Praise the Lord! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! OMG, I'm so excited!

I'm going to NEW YORK! One more thing I can cross of my "things to do before I die" list! I have wanted to go to NY for so long, and finally...YES FINALLY I get to go. :)

September just won't come soon enough......

Weekend update...Jeremy and his family came into town and we had a little BBQ Friday night. It was fun, we rocked out to rock band. I must say I'm pretty BA on the guitar. Saturday Margarets went to the vet, and we BBQ'd for lunch....we couldn't help it! The weather was so nice! OH! I got my sewing machine! Cindy got it for me for my birthday, so I whipped up a TSHIRT quilt.. :) I made Margaret a bed too...I need a child so I stop treating Margaret like a human.

Sunday we maxed and relaxed, I watched Bride Wars...very good. I also watched the Grammy' was pretty decent this year. But what the heck is up with Chris Brown beating Rhianna? No thank you Chris Brown!

Monday, February 2, 2009

why do I even bother blogging..

So, I have come to the conclusion that I really suck at blogging.

When all I can come up to write about is giving my dog a haircut yesterday, doing laundry, baking cookies, taking a trip to Walmart and cleaning my house? Wow.

I'm boring.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

What a weekend

So Jesse and I traveled home this weekend to see my parents.
We don't travel that way very often, and it is always fun to stop in and see everyone. I got to spend some time with my grandma too, which I always enjoy. (Even though Jesse always gets the first hug now). Grandma showed me how to crochet a blanket because I was having a tough time, maybe I won't make a blanket.

It's always fun to visit with mom and dad...and Wyatt was home with a friend (but he wasn't there long, he never is), and Colt was cleaning up dad's truck to take. It isn't very often that we are all home at the same time.

Jesse put together the BBQ grill, it looks pretty fabulous! And he felt pretty good about it....

Sunday, Jesse went to Johns early...and I had a little ME day. I cleaned, did laundry...and just relaxed.......Just me and Marg. ;)

I did watch Marly and Me....I cried for like an hour straight.

Now...on to another week. BOO 8:00-5:00

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's D Day. (AKA, dreaded Dentist Day)

I'm getting my permanent crown and 3 fillings at 3:30 today. I don't think anything can be worse then last time I went in to get my temporary crown, lets hope today isn't horrible.
What a joyous day!

Better news...Jesse is taking our taxes in today! I hope we get a stellar return!

Also..I've started knitting. haha! It's a fun little hobby I have picked up. Jesse just looks at me like..."oh my God...". Whatever.....I have an old soul! ha!

And, that's all I got.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Recap...

Jesse and I had a nice chat this weekend..... hum, how to pay off our debt FAST. ;)
The dreaded conversation....but, we set up some totally do-able goals, and I'm feeling really confident about it! March 2010....we should be paid off! ;) Wish us luck...

This weekend we watched lots of movies! It was nice to relax, and not have plans!
Our movie watching included the following:

1.) The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (in the comfort of my own home).
Amazing movie....very long....but very good!

2.) Seven Pounds (also in the comfort of my own home)
AHHHHH-mazing. You will cry.

3.) My Best Friends Girl (Netflix..)
Jesse was not excited about it, but he laughed through the movie! Ahhh...Dane Cook.

4.)Eagle Eye (Redbox...which I found to be a great invention)
Eh..."action movies" aren't really my favorite...but I just like that guy from Even Stevens. haha!

I also knit. Yes..don't make fun. I whipped up TWO SCARVES! I can't wait to expand my knitting knowledge! hahaa.............

Friday, January 23, 2009


So, I've come to the decision...

I'm going back to school. SCHOOL? Crap. First of all, school is not my cup of tea...never has been. Second of is EXPENSIVE! I found out also that my work offers tuition reimbursement.... So I will talk to my boss about that FO SHO!

Jesse and I are going to make it work will be a good investment. ;)
So the last couple of days I have been getting my stuff together, sending off for transcripts, trying to figure out just where to begin......

Ughy. School.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Blog Schmog.

My brother insisted that I give the blog world a shot.... So here I am. Blogging.

I think this will be a fun way for my parents, grandparents, cousins, etc to keep up with The Courters.

Ok, so this weekend Jesse and I had planned to do "Extreme Room Renovation" in our guest room/computer room/storage room. We were on a budget as we are trying to save and pay off debt, so it was fun to see what we could do with the $$ we were planning to spend. $100 was our budget, but Home Depot had everything we needed at a good price! And thanks to my Aunt Roni and Uncle Mike for that $50 Home Depot gift card Christmas gift! And my mom and dad got me the ceiling fan I wanted as a early birthday gift.

This room renovation was an all day process, but it was very worth it in the end. My mom and brothers came over for a while, and Wyatt helped put up the new ceiling fan...

You can look at before and after pictures of the room HERE.

Other then that, I'm getting back into the swing of work after the lovely 4 day weekend!

And...Go OBAMA! I can't wait to watch the inauguration when I get home. I'm DVRing it...